Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Grinnall Scorpion 1v For Sale

The motoclub Aviglianesi is mourning the loss of a social historian and a friend to all those who knew him inside and outside the motorcycle. A slow, inexorable evil has taken possession of his body until exhausted, but it has not tarnished the image that we all keep him. A motorcycle enthusiast, a friend, a man!

Maurone Hello!

The funeral will be held in Nizza Monferrato Friday, October 23 at 15.30.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Camry Flashing Overdrive Light


Sunday, October 11 motorcycle clubs took part in the Motogiro organized by the Madonna of the Centaurs MC of Alexandria which included a tour in the territory of Acqui Terme. Waiting for comment from those who attended the event, enjoy the photographic record of the day. Photographs by Alberto Musso, to see them click here