Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Why Do People Pretend To Be Religious

where we spent the New Year 2008/2009? we had the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding a nice pub and say ENOUGH to the celebrations dedicated to home dell'abbuffata, burp free and do not know where to die. This beautiful
December 31 we booked a spot perl, the farm town in the Gulf of Lions Fontanamare (Marine Gonnesa), for the modest sum of 100 € per head. The cost includes dinner, entertainment, accommodation and breakfast.

Needless to say, as usual, someone was not happy with the dinner, everyone including me but unlike the others I still binge. The problem was the excessive cost of the meal than what was served, in our very rich and dare I say it counted. In short, we expect the table full of goodies, and instead many trays were not worthy of the beginning of the rut that was cooked with mussels and ending with the 4 pieces for 4 people ... sigh panettore

to adjust Fortunately, the evening we thought that the animator Paul Boi has welcomed the evening, I must say, with the trade. We danced and sang and surprise I have dedicated a song to Birthday: Destination Paradise Grignani, I have touched the ball.

After hours of jumping, at 3 we went to the rooms, we must say that was new and well maintained. Breakfast at 10 with Pepper and Kate while others have remained dormant.

final rating to the evening: dinner at 5, 9, animation, 8 am to 6 rooms and breakfast. The final cost was excessive, probably € 80 would have been more honest.

Naama Bay Sharm El Sheikh

And 'The death of a blog? Up to date

Now it is clear that most do not update the blog with the initial frequency. In September 2006, when I started, updated several times a day, but it was the time of Erasmus and every day was different.

been more than two years since then, and just today I spoke with Professor of Marketing on the possibility of going back to do a thesis on the comparison of efficiency between Vaasa and Cagliari. You see, I have not thought about the last work of my college career. Returning

in topic since I know facebook (face book?!?) I came back to my first friend multimedia neglect I'm sorry but I have noticed that all the friends on my trail they had opened after some have left, except perhaps but I notice that Alexander he also slowed down.

Now that I think not posted photos of the new year rose from less than a week, immediately.