And 'The death of a blog? Up to date
Now it is clear that most do not update the blog with the initial frequency. In September 2006, when I started, updated several times a day, but it was the time of Erasmus and every day was different.
been more than two years since then, and just today I spoke with Professor of Marketing on the possibility of going back to do a thesis on the comparison of efficiency between Vaasa and Cagliari. You see, I have not thought about the last work of my college career. Returning
in topic since I know facebook (face book?!?) I came back to my first friend multimedia neglect I'm sorry but I have noticed that all the friends on my trail they had opened after some have left, except perhaps but I notice that Alexander he also slowed down.
Now that I think not posted photos of the new year rose from less than a week, immediately.
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